My 3 Computer Science Heroes

Alan Turing

Birth: London,England June 23, 1912
Death:June 7th, 1953


Alan Turing full name Alan Mathinson Turning was born in London, England June 23rd 1912.Turing is known for being a British Mathematician who made major contributions in Cryptanalysis and in new areas which would later be known as computer science .Turing in his early life was in enrolled at a top private school he after went on to attend the University of Cambridge to study Mathematics in 1931 and graduated in 1934. Around the start of WW2 Turing and others designed a code breaking machine called the bombe related, but very different to another code breaking machine called Bomba. For the rest of WW2 Bombes were able to supply the Allied Powers with large quantities of military intelligence. By 1942 the cryptanalysts which included Turning at Bletchley Park (a cryptological establishment operating in WW2) were able to decode 84000 intercepted messages each month. In 1945 the war had just ended and turning was recruited to the National Physical Laboratory in England to create the first electronic computer. However, NPL lost this race to build the first electronic computer disappointed by this turning took up deputy directorship of computing machine Labatory. Later in Turnings life 1951 he was elected to be a member of the royal society a high honor. However, he was convicted of homosexuality which was a crime in Britian at the time and was given 12 months of hormone treatment. Also, with this criminal record he was no longer able to work for the Royal Society. Turing spent the rest of his career in Manchester where he was appointed to specifically created readership of computing in 1953. June 7, 1954, Alan Turing age 41 was found dead in his bed due to cyanide poisoning. Some may suspect suicide others suspect it could have been murder by secret service since gays were consider a treat to security and Turing new so much about cryptanalysis or it could have been a simple accident from an experiment in his Labatory next to his bedroom.


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Hedy Lamarr

Birth: Vienna, Austria November 9th, 1914
Death:January 19th, 2000


Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler mostly known as Hedy Lamarr was born in Vienna, Austria November 9, 1913 or 1914. At the age of 16 she enrolled in Max Reinhardt’s, a Berlin-based dramatic school. A year later she made her debut in Geld auf der Strasse in 1930. However, she gained notoriety and stardom in the film Ecstasy (1932) which she appeared nude in After leaving Fritz Mandl her possessive partner who prohibited Lamarr from doing any other stage appearances after appearing nude in Ecstasy she headed Hollywood in 1937 which she appeared in her first English movie Algiers (1938). During Lamarr’s acting career she once mentioned “Any girl can be glamorous; all you have to do is stand still and look stupid”, but she would prove later that she was anything but stupid. During WW2 when in collaboration George Antheil she invited a Electronic device that minimized the jamming or radio signals it was never used during the wartime of WW2, but this device component is still a component of present-day satellite and cellular phone technology


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Women History

Philip Don Estridge

Birth:June 23rd, 1937
Death:August 2nd,1985


Philip Don Estridge was born on June 23, 1937, in Jacksonville, Florida. He died at age 48 in a plane crash on August 2, 1985. At the time he died, he was IMB;s vice president. He got a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Florida. He’s worked for the army, NASA, and, most notably, IMB. Estridge helped build IMB into the multi-billion-dollar company it is today. He led the group that created IMB’s first personal computers (PC). What was revolutionary about the IMB PC was that he made the computer’s design public and used parts and software outside of IMB, which lead to the IMB PC’s architecture becoming ubiquitous. Philip Don Estridge also had other important contributions to computer science. He worked in NASA’s Goddard Flight Space center working on computers for the Apollo space missions. He designed radar computer systems for the army. The Don Estridge High-Tech middle school in Boca Ralton, Florida is named after him, and he was he was identified in CIO magazine as one of the people who "invented the enterprise"


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History Society
IBM Archives
